

更新日 2024.04.01

2024 StudyTravel Secondary School Awards のアジアエージェント部門にノミネート!

ST Star Awards

留学ワールド(株式会社DEOW)は2024年の StudyTravel Secondary School Awards (以下、ST Secondary School Awards) のアジアエージェント部門にノミネートされました。
ST Star Awards の4回ノミネートに続き、Secondary School Awardsの初ノミネートになります!


ST Secondary School Awards(STセカンダリースクールアワード)とは?
留学業界誌を発行しているStudyTravel社(イギリス)が主催している世界規模のアワード「ST Star Awards」の中でも、特に中学・高校の正規留学に限定して開催されるものです。
We are thrilled to announce that we have been shortlisted in the ST Secondary School Awards – Asian Agency 2024!
We have had the honour of being shortlisted in the StudyTravel Star Awards 4 times, and have now also been recognised in the secondary education field as well!

This is all thanks to the support we’ve had, from students, families, schools and associations we’ve had the pleasure of working with.
As our company enters our 21st year in operation, you can be sure we will continue to work as a quality agency for students and schools.

DEOW’s very ownSecondary School Fair

In November 2023, we at DEOW hosted our very own ‘Secondary School Fair’, welcoming high-quality schools from 5 countries and many families who are interested in education overseas for their children.
Do check the video below for a taste of what it was like on the day.
We will almost certainly be holding our second fair in 2024, and hope to see you there!

ST Star Awards


10:00~20:00 10:00~19:00